Room for 5 Passengers

Friday, November 23, 2012

How To Grow In All Areas of Business


The truth of the matter is there is no one exact way to grow in all areas without dedicated time specifically to each area of your module and perspective parts.  the best thing to do is know your product, know your purpose, know your abilities, know your resources, know your law, and get to know your customer base. 

Currently in my tenure as a multipurpose entrepreneur I am constantly reminded of the areas in which require more attention.  I have begun currently a search for adequate support staff which can see the vision and comprehend the abilities of this company in transition to being standard of business.  Deligating balanced work flow is equally important as knowing the results of your labor before the work begins.  It must be seen all the way through to the last detail and drop of sweat required for hard work rewards.

Take yourself seriously and treat yourself as if you are walking into a place of business such as a bank.  Speak to yourself as if you are the business speaking to a possible client of business.  Listen to yourself as a business.  Familiarize yourself with the sounds of business also known as confidence.  This is the beginning of crafting your mind to enunciate, project, and even claim your personal space as a space of business. 

Do not be afraid of details as long as you know the vision in place to establsih the business and maintain it as sucessful.  Keep your eye on the prize is an easier way to explain this.  Know that you will hear more disagreeances than agreeances and the nature of true business is clarification, qualification, and stipulation.  These items are the basis in which you should or should not conduct or agree to do business.  There are many words in the english language as well as other words, so know that you will be spoken to in a manner to either persuade you to release funds or persuade you to agree to provide service.  Give and Take is the name of this game and you will take more challenges than you will provide service.

Remain passionate about the reason why you choose to be in business for yourself or with others.  This will be the gauge to calibrate the facts of direction, short term goals, and long term goals.  Do not release your passion by accepting an entirely new reason to do business as you will lose your direction.  Only take in additional findings of doing business and document them properly.

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